Jasmine Furelid
So November 2016 I made up my mind. I was going to do it! For a long time I've been thinking 'What do I want?' 'What's my dreams?' 'What's my passions?' How can I do everything I want but have one platform for it?' All these questions was running through my head and at one point I didn't even know who I was, what I wanted to do and I was completely lost...
“All these questions was running through my head and at one point I didn’t even know who I was, what I wanted to do and I was completely lost...”
I tried to take ALL my ideas ( as a creative person your brain is usually overloaded with amazing ideas all the time...!!) to make into one. After my passion died a bit with my years of styling in London, I tried to look into myself to see what usually popped into my head creatively and my love for fashion, design and accessories came up. This would be the beginning of my new journey!
I started studying a part-time course in September 2016 at 'The Academy Of Cutting And Tailoring' that made me realise that sewing is a skill of mine but not what I want to focus on, I sooo don't have the patience for it! It also made me realise that my love for digital stuff like graphics is also a big passion of mine and that I'm such a visual person. And my conclusion with everything was that I wanted to focus more on the actual designs and building my own brand. I had the most amazing teacher that made everything pretty free when it came to our tasks and made me develop even more. In the middle of the course I thought of the brilliant idea to open a webbshop because with whatever I wanted to do I could share that on a platform, since my main things that comes up in my head are either designs of clothing or jewellery etc and therefore with whatever I decided to do I can do it under my brand, my platform.
“I was working four days a week in retail, had the course two days a week, maintaining a relationship, friends, life AND on top of that trying to start the business with just me and my paycheck every month try to invest in stock and other outcomes...”
It was pretty hard because when I decided to start the webbshop I just started my one year course at 'The Academy Of Cutting And Tailoring' that I then wanted to quit because of my new discovery but couldn't get my money back so I thought I might aswell do it then. My focus was obviously somewhere else and at the time I was working four days a week in retail, had the course two days a week, maintaining a relationship, friends, life AND on top of that trying to start the business with just me and my paycheck every month try to invest in stock or other outcomes, and boooiii it was hard and stressful! This was probably one of the most hectic times in my life...
I wasn't happy at my workplace so I decided to resign after some drama that happend. I never did anything like that since I am more of a responsible person that have another job before I quit just like that. Weird thing is when you let go, things comes to you and it did. I manage to get a job in a shop that I adore and it's my fav shop in Stockholm, WOS! It was only parttime position so I also got another job in a grocery store. So I was set, good to go, or at least I thought....
“I put all my love, energies, hard work, smiles, sadness, feelings, body and soul into my new baby, my company fe:male.”
So when I thought everything was cool and I could just go in, life happend... My partner that I was living with at the time, broke up with me. So dealing with a breakup in the middle of this, finding a flatmate and working my ass off all summer didn't make things easier buuut saying that it made me very productive. I put all my love, energies, hard work, smiles, sadness, feelings, body and soul into my new baby, my company fe:male.
I was focused, determined ( as always hehe ) and passionated about my mission. With a budget of zero, no loans whatsoever, I did everything myself. I do the sourcing, buying, admin, photography, modelling, styling, retouching, DIY:ing, and so on...you name it and it's me doing it! I do what I can with the little things I have because you need to start somewhere right?! Otherwise we are waiting for the right timing and the 'right' timing is never right. Start somewhere and work on that to progress naturally. Your time will come, if you are dedicated and determined eventually the time will be just right... Please keep on pushing for what you are here for, your dreams, your goals, your gutfeeling! Don't you ever stop...
“Please keep on pushing for what you are here for, your dreams, your goals, your gutfeeling! Don’t you ever stop...”
Fe:male is a brand that stands for individuality, raw femininity, colours and to express yourself. Stand out from the crowd, be a leader and not giving a s**t. But at the same time it also aims to people that are scared to express themselves to give them courage to wear it and make it their own.
Be confident, don't give a s**t and shine!
Repeat on a daily basis :)
I'm very proud, very nervous but super excited to share my new baby, my company, this website with you guys. So here it is: fe:male, my work in progress....
To be continued...